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1 Translation result for penalize in Spanish


penalize verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
penalized, has penalized, is penalizing, penalizes
penalizar, sancionar, penar

Example sentences of
penalize verb

  • The company was penalized for not paying taxes.
  • The hockey player was penalized for holding.
  • This law would unfairly penalize immigrants.

Synonyms of
penalize verb

Detailed synonyms for penalize verb

1. Penalize, fine, dock significan castigar mediante la privación de algo.
  • Penalize suele presuponer la violación de una orden, regla o ley cuyo fin es el de mantener la disciplina o garantizar el decoro; también indica una pena, tal como la confiscación de dinero, ventaja o privilegio, o la imposición de una desventaja <the new law penalizes those who are late in paying their taxes>.
  • Fine indica una pena monetaria fijada dentro de ciertos límites por la ley <he was fined $5,000 for evading his child-support payments>.
  • Dock connota el quitarle a alguien parte de su salario <her boss docked her pay for coming in late>.
2. See: Punish
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Reverse translation for penalize

penalizar  - to penalize 
sancionar  - to penalize, to impose a sanction on, to sanction, to approve 
penar  - to punish, to penalize, to suffer, to grieve